Mazikaa Night

We honor our heritage by celebrating it. Since December 2023, we’ve welcomed our community each month to experience the warmth of a family living room. With live music by our house band, tea, coffee, desserts, card games, and a curated library of books and records, we craft a sacred space where our people can reconnect with their roots and feel at home, no matter how far away they are.

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Sounds of SWANA

The Musicians Majlis is a membership community that brings together talented musicians who are interested in music from the SWANA region, in one room, to exchange ideas, inspirations and have one rhythmic experience to grow your own sense of creating music.

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The Neighborhood

This space extends beyond the intimate living-room atmosphere to capture the vibrant spirit of SWANA neighborhoods. It embodies the care, warmth, and familiarity we associate with our homelands—the scents, the sounds of our language, and the presence of our diaspora, free to express themselves without compromise.Our mission is to recreate this neighborhood experience for the Southwest Asian and North African (SWANA) community.

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